Mission Statement

I am dedicated to discovering the truth about the forces that shape our behavior for good and for bad. In this pursuit, I greatly respect the wisdom of the ages brought to us through the religions of the world, the great philosophers through history, and the findings of modern science. I also respect the many findings from my own life's experiences and that of my family and friends.

When the weight of all of these sources of information are in agreement, I am particularly impressed. Should my personal experiences and/or science reliably demonstrate that my beliefs, so derived may be false, I will make the appropriate changes necessary. Until then, I will strive to make all important decisions in my life, and similar recommendations to others, based upon this rational process.

As a psychologist, I will pray that I might benefit my clients, loved ones, friends and others in America and elsewhere by sharing what I have learned works well in life.

I am dedicated to strengthening good and beneficial thoughts and behavior in myself and all others who wish to join me in this effective life-coping-skills quest.

God's Blessings to you and your loved ones,

Dr. Tom

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D.
Health Services Provider in Psychology, HSPP20090171A
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Indiana University South Bend